Stone ring

Stone ring

La Comella Tarragona 1975-2001. Black granite from the Ex U.R.S. 17 meters in diameter X 3.20 m.

The circle, the shape of the ring, is the sculpture that has guided the entire Comella project and is a significant part of the sculptor's life. He says in his remarks: “Thus I find myself, captive and pleased in the trap of eternal repetitions. I think that the circle is also the image of the sun, an important value in agrarian cultures and a luminous and warm self star that gives us the possibility of living. It is the graphic representation of the origin of matter and life, the shape of the movement of the stars, the expansive growth of waves on air and water and is also the image of circular time. The circle of stones still has important religious connotations since it represents the continuous movement and the perfection of the form. In Comella the concept implies action and the pact with nature. Commitment as an implicit part of the work, sculpture is the material and living face of the alliance. The stone ring presents and represents union and reconciliation.
